Warehouse Etiquette Is Important: What Is It and Why does it matter?

Etiquette is vital in the workplace, but sometimes even more so in a warehouse. You may be wondering what warehouse etiquette is or why it matters. From working well with others to effectively producing results, here is why it is worth implementing.

Safety first

The first step to warehouse etiquette is to keep a clean warehouse. This means each person puts their tools back when they are done using them and keeps their station clean. Workstations that are free of debris and trash are less likely to cause injuries and issues for the next shift worker. A clean space shows that co-workers respect one another’s environment. This simple, perhaps seemingly obvious rule can go a long way in creating a safe, organized place for efficiency.


Warehouses often have workers from different backgrounds and cultures. Therefore, it is crucial to build bridges of understanding. Training and certification programs can be offered in multiple languages or translated so everyone can participate. Educational resources can be offered to all employees to avoid insensitivity. When a warehouse-wide notice is posted, it is vital to post it in languages everyone understands. All of these steps lay the groundwork for a kind, respectful workplace.

soft skills

Etiquette involves maturity and emotional intelligence. In a warehouse, it is easy for one department to affect another without realizing it. These types of issues can cause tension and decrease morale. Managers set the tone for curious and open discussion. Space should be made (on a regular basis) for feedback. Look for areas of improvement and ways to create a harmonious workplace. Whether it is a forum, employee surveys, or regularly scheduled feedback meetings, having a communication plan allows the workplace to stay peaceful and welcoming.

Clarity and empathy are key

Less of an etiquette rule and more of a general management rule, clarifying deliverables is key. When every person knows what is expected of them, communication flows. Encouraging workers to have empathy and to take ownership of their roles will foster better inner departmental processes. According to Forbes, mutual empathy between leaders and employees increases efficiency (88%). Help employees see their actions and words through someone else’s perspective. Practicing these two principles will cause your business to attract new talent when it is time to hire.

Source one sets you up for success!

Managing people is no easy task! At Source One we offer HR consulting, training, and all of the resources you need to run your business effectively! Our team of experts has spent years honing their skills in the light industrial industry. We understand the challenges and rewards of running a warehouse. Let us help you with your toughest staffing and HR questions. Contact Source One today!