Does What You Wear to an Interview Matter?

Landing an interview can be exciting, but then the question presents itself: does what you wear to an interview matter? According to Science + People, research shows that people often make their first impression within the first 7 seconds. Dressing appropriately communicates that you are capable and can elevate your own confidence level. Here are some things to consider when deciding what outfit to choose.

Clothing communicates

Your choice of clothing communicates your level of professionalism. Managers are looking for potential employees they can trust and who will take their jobs seriously. As surface level as it sounds, when you are well-groomed and put together, it lets the employer know you care about the position. Sloppy or casual clothes in an interview could give the impression that it doesn’t matter to you if you land the job. It can also make it seem like you didn’t prioritize being prepared. Professional business clothing is an easy way to put your best foot forward.

boosts your confidence

When you put time and effort into dressing well, it affects your confidence. Interviews can be daunting, but knowing you look the part can help you get into the right frame of mind. Maybe you have heard the adage, “Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.” Dressing professionally can help you align the outside with the great qualities you have to offer on the inside. There is a reason the employer reached out to you so don’t shy away from putting yourself in the best possible light by dressing well!

What to wear

Business dress is appropriate for most interviews. Remember, you can adjust to a more casual look later on if it fits company policy. Clothing should be modest. Hair and facial hair should be well groomed and combed. Avoid flashy jewelry or statement clothing. Don’t forget to wear a smile with whatever outfit you choose! A positive attitude with a clean, styled look will give you an air of respect. Clothing doesn’t have to be expensive to look nice. If you have multiple interviews, find a few pieces that can be worn over and over so you are ready whenever the opportunities present themselves.

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