Removing Bias From the Hiring Process

Bias comes in many forms in today’s world, including unconscious bias. To build an equitable workplace, companies must be intentional and ensure each part of their system is accessible to all applicants. According to HR Digest, diverse companies enjoy 2.5 more cash flow per employee! As a business owner or manager, you may wonder what practical steps you can take to remove bias from the hiring process. Here are three strategies to help you maintain integrity and fairness.


One way to remove bias is by starting with the job description itself. Inclusive language avoids alienating people of different regions, ages, races, and genders. In the interview, inappropriate questions that pry too much into a candidate’s personal life and background should be avoided. Training on unconscious bias can help everyone involved in the decision-making to keep communication above board.


Secondly, the hiring process should be consistent throughout. Many companies ask job seekers to take a skills test so selections can be made based on merit. Continuity also means considering candidates with the same experience level objectively. This can be done by making data-driven decisions through a computerized system. The disadvantage is that the personal element of recognizing a candidate’s transferable skills or soft skills can be overlooked. This is why working with a recruiter or staffing agency can help you remove bias while still vetting potential hires. Either way, it is crucial to ask the same general questions in each interview and to give all qualified applicants consideration.

panel decisions

A diverse panel interview can aid in removing bias from the hiring process. Each panelist will provide a unique perspective and thoughtful feedback. This can help bridge gaps and provide insight. It also creates a system of checks and balances which fosters accountability. Seeing a representation of diversity can also put a candidate at ease during the interview.

Source One can help!

Source One offers training to help your team communicate effectively with all potential employees. Additionally, we provide consulting to help you ensure your process is equitable and meets the legal requirements. If you are stressed from trying to find candidates, we can help! We work hard to send you top job seekers in your area. Contact our offices today!