Improving the Company Culture of Any Business

Company culture is a workplace buzzword, but what is it, and how do you improve it? The fact is it can have a drastic effect on retention and your company’s reputation. We’re here to break down what it means and give you tips that are vital for improving the company culture of any business.

What is Company Culture? 

Culture is a felt experience that is more abstract than definitive. It is the way your company operates and expresses its values through the behavior of leadership and employees. Just as you would experience the culture if you were to travel to another area, culture has to do with the way things are done and how values affect everyday life. Company culture has become a selling point for some businesses, advertising their collaborative nature or work-life balance. For other businesses, bad company culture is driving away current employees and becoming a red flag for possible candidates. So how do you improve it? 

How Can You Improve Your Company Culture 

The first step in improving culture sometimes means having honest conversations about what is or isn’t working. As leaders, it is hard not to be myopic about the way attitudes can affect employees. Start by sending an anonymous survey to employees, allowing them to share their views. They are the ones who will likely be most aware of the culture as a whole. Once you’ve taken that step, look for actionable ways to address the issues employees mentioned.

Secondly, focus on increasing employee engagement. The best cultures are cultures where people feel heard and respected, like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Give your employees a chance to connect with one another. Fun outings or hosting an online hangout can give co-workers a chance to connect and collaborate. If your team works on-site, consider having a dinner or luncheon where new ideas are encouraged. Also, allow employees to talk about something other than work and relax.

In addition to connecting with other employees, make the path to advancement clear to your team. Communicating well involves vision casting and giving employees kind feedback to help them improve their careers. Employees notice when employers invest in their careers versus the bottom line only. Consider offering mentorship programs. This may also mean helping fund further education or free certification trainings. 

Beyond their careers, invest in your employee as people who have lives outside of the company. Wellness programs can encourage employees to get physically active. Mental health is also a rising conversation and you can add value by initiating Employee Assistance Programs (EAP which gives employees access to mental health professionals) through paid online services or by offering insurance that covers these services to employees. Steps like these are proof to employees that you care about making your company a great place to work. The reputation of a strong company culture will pay dividends when it comes to attracting new talent and retention. 

Want to Learn More? 

Source One offers a plethora of information on company culture and how to cultivate strong, healthy leadership. We offer you a fresh perspective and cost-effective ideas to give your employees an incredible work experience. The conversation around company culture isn’t going away, but you can face this management issue knowing that our team has done its research to provide quality feedback to help your business improve. Don’t hesitate. Now is the time to take action. Make today the day you start to make the necessary shifts to knock it out of the park with employees!