Are You Fostering Innovation in Your Company?

Innovation is a key to thriving in a changing environment. The introduction of AI and new technology has caused workplaces to change. Companies and employees are learning new skills and developing new products to pivot to an evolving customer base. So how can you foster innovation within your team and bring the best ideas to the forefront? Here are three ways to foster a culture of innovation within your team.

Create a growth culture

In cultures of growth, employees are not afraid to bring their ideas to the table or even to fail. Growth cultures are more concerned with learning than avoiding failure. Shifting the focus away from fearing what won’t work to being willing to try frees your employees to be more creative. While this doesn’t mean saying yes to every idea, you must be willing to give employees the space to do something new. Elon Musk, known for his out-of-the-box thinking, encourages his employees to take risks. Remember, many great companies became great by disrupting norms which could only have happened through brave risk-taking.

give everyone a voice

Jimmy Fallon once said he didn’t care if a good joke came from the janitor or his writing team. If he liked it, he would consider putting it in his late-night monologue no matter where the joke came from. This simple statement shows that the best ideas can from anywhere. People in differing levels of your company can also often see things that you may not be able to see. Seeking input from diverse sources can help you and your team better understand your audience and foster innovation. Demonstrating that you value each employee’s voice will make them more likely to use it when you need fresh ideas and insight.

collaboration > Competition

Some of the best work happens as ideas build upon one another. Collaboration requires active listening and a safe space to conceptualize. When competition is present, it kills the creative flow and makes it about individuals rather than the entire team. While it may be tempting to employ competition as a means to motivate employees, it will not encourage working together. Help your employees see the value of teamwork as they unite around a common goal. Reward joint efforts.

need to hire this holiday season?

Our office is a one-stop shop for all of your HR needs! We offer HR consulting, payroll services, OSHA training, and access to our pipeline of strong candidates. Whether you need to add to your team or want to refresh your hiring processes before the New Year, Source One is here for you. Contact our office today!