Workplace and Business Trends to Watch for in 2023

The workplace is changing in 2023. With the new year ahead, let’s take a look at these trends so you can stay ahead of the curve.

Changes in Tech

For many industries, voice technology will become more prominent. Things like Siri and Alexa, have popularized searching by voice. This will only increase as companies compete to make their services and products more SEO friendly when it comes to this search style and marketing, especially retail.

Job security

With layoffs happening in many major companies and uncertainty looming in the economy, workers are searching for more security than before. The Great Resignation of previous years has slowed down. Now is the perfect time for employers who are looking for long-term employees to begin the hiring process. Staying up to date on how to make longevity a priority is crucial as employees now are decidedly more aware, do more research, and want to know companies will stand the test of time.


What employees once looked for in a boss is now changing. Management used to mean making sure employees performed well on their job. Now employees are looking for leadership that is empathic, in tune with the needs of employees, and transparent with an openness to employee feedback. Potential hires are aware of company culture and want to make sure that where they are working fits with their personal values and respects their work-life balance. Leadership training can help managers at every level rise to the occasion and will assist in not only the hiring process but also in retention.


Consumers are now aware of sourcing and sustainability. When it comes to buying products or supporting businesses, consumers want to know that companies are environmentally aware. Consumers are more likely to look at reports to ensure that the sourcing of materials is ethical and earth-friendly. This adds pressure on companies to be more aware and transparent.

Mutiple ways of working

The workforce has become an assortment of location based and work from anywhere positions. Employees will continue to prioritize finding the right balance for their needs and schedule as they look at what companies are offering. Companies that can offer flexibility in scheduling and location mantain the edge in capturing candidates who want options.

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