Tips for Starting the New Year as a New Manager

Being a new manager can be daunting. With so many personalities, responsibilities, and moving parts, it’s a job that is not for the faint of heart. We’ve created a list of the top tips to help you lead your team effectively, especially if you are new to managing people.

1..Relationships are KIng

In any leadership role, the biggest part of leading is relationships. Focus on building relationships and getting to know those around you at every level. This means spending time with your team members, setting up one on ones, and listening to their feedback. Make an effort to understand what each member does and what skills they have. Doing this work from the outset will give you valuable information as projects arise and challenges arise.

2. Make learning the goal

If you are new to the industry or to leading, make it your aim to learn as much as you can. Read about industry trends. Be curious and ask your co-workers questions. Get to know the overall culture of each department and how the intercommunication flows. Even long-term leaders that continue in a posture of learning are more effective in the long haul. The more you learn, the more tools you will have in your belt and the more you will begin to see new angles as you move toward company goals.

3. Take your time

When you first take on a leadership role you may see several things you want to change or implement. While there is nothing wrong with shifting processes, don’t try to bring an overhaul overnight. Research the reasons why things are done the way they are. There may be a reason that you aren’t aware of. Think through what you would like to see and have conversations before implementing high levels of change.

4. Create your environment

With new responsibilities, it can take time to acclimate to what is expected. Take time setting up systems for yourself that work and are easy. For example, schedule office supplies you need, clean out old files and begin to create a routine. Find a rhythm that works for you like checking emails in the morning during the first hour and then setting up afternoon meetings on certain days. Adjust accordingly as you move forward.

5. tackle expectations

If you are new to the position, you may not be aware of the history that comes with it or of the inner workings of the company. Find out what your boss expects from you by asking. Ask what goals he or she wants to see and when they expect them to be finished. Be clear on what is expected of you and keep the lines of communication open. Having clarity can reduce stress and give you a path forward as you decide what is most important initially.

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