Successfully Managing a Remote Team in 2022

Even though COVID restrictions have lifted, many companies still offer remote options for employees. This change has brought a lot of flexibility to the workforce but also created new challenges for managers as monitoring productivity and project management moved to the virtual space. We’ve listed three tips for managing employees and teams remotely in 2022 and beyond. 

1. Take Advantage of Technology 

There are several apps that are free for companies to use that can make tracking progress and remote communication easier. Apps like Slack and Asana are free and allow you to create a common work area similar to having a whiteboard in the room or a team meeting. Creating channels on Slack allows you to communicate with the entire virtual team with the touch of a keyboard and allows employees to notify other team members when they are in a meeting or need to step away during office hours. Source One offers time tracking so hours and payroll services online so you view your employee’s attendance records easily. 

2. Create Accountability

Weekly touchstones or Zoom meetings are a great way to stay in touch and give your employees a sense of working on a team no matter where they are located. One-on-one progress meetings are also a good way to invest in employees and help them grow in their positions. Department heads can be asked to provide updates in team meetings and sites like can help the entire team see what needs to happen weekly, monthly, annually, etc. in real-time. Having defined deadlines can also help employees stay on track day to day as they know when each project is due.  

3. Set Clear Expectations 

It’s important to be upfront about what you will require. Some companies ask all employees to clock in for 9-5 office hours (from home) while other employers do not mind when or where the work gets done, but simply that the team is performing well. The structure of how you manage the team will depend on how often the team collaborates and what level of oversight you need to maintain. Communicating expectations clearly prevents performance gaps and keeps everyone on the same page. Being specific and setting benchmarks helps employees know when they are meeting the goals for their positions, whether the position is remote or hybrid. 

Many of the qualities of great management remain the same–emotional IQ, people skills, organizational development, etc., they are simply transferred to the online world. Your team is full of your most valuable asset-human capital so capitalize on ways to grow and value your team, whether in person or remotely. 

Looking for more recruiting, hiring, and managing tips? Check out our blog for the latest updates and information on how to successfully hire and keep your dream team!