How to Boost Light Industrial Employee Retention

In HR, finding the right talent is only half of the battle. The long-term strategy is to boost retention. This can be even more challenging in the light industrial space as workers have varied hours and many roles require specific skills. As the industrial world faces changes in traditional recruiting, here are four ways to keep talented employees.


Resourcing your employees begins with the interview process. Be transparent about the hours they will work and what is expected daily. When you are honest with employees from the beginning they are less likely to feel like they were sold on something unrealistic. Take a proactive approach to onboarding and consider connecting them with a mentor who has been at the company for a while and is familiar with their position. Provide them with any necessary training. Check in periodically to ask if they need anything and to allow them to share ideas they may have.


Industrial work can be tedious and feel demanding. Remind employees often that their work matters. It’s important that team leaders and managers have the ability to make employees feel seen and heard in a good way. In fact, floor managers often set the tone for production workers. Make sure you have the right people in place. Create a culture that looks to catch employees doing good rather than shaming them for mistakes. Screen leadership for their ability to work with people, not just their ability to produce.

Create a path forward

It’s likely that your best employees came into their position hoping to gain experience and move up. When employees don’t see a path to growth they can easily become discouraged. Repetitive tasks for some employees can feel restricting when there is no reward. Whether it is a bonus structure or management track program, show employees that they can expect to climb the ladder when they do well. Create benchmarks and reward them for putting in the effort by investing in their future at the company. According to SWNS, 22% of employers imagine employees leave their current job because they could find more upward mobility elsewhere. Make it clear to employees how they can move from point A to point B over time.


If you haven’t updated the salary range in years, it’s time to check and make sure your benefits are still competitive. Consider offering benefits like continuing education finances for younger generations or tiered 401 K matching for employees who are considering retirement in a few years. Be sure to offer ample PTO and sick days.

Staffing Solutions

Hiring temporary workers during the summer is a great way to give overworked employees a break. Source One can help you find the right staffing solutions for your workforce including finding top talent for valued leadership positions. We screen each candidate to help you find the right match the first time around. We take the stress out of recruiting, hiring, and managing by offering you OSHA compliance checks, seamless onboarding, and even payroll services. Source One is your go-to for all of your light industrial HR needs. Call or email our experienced team today!