Finding and Retaining the Best Talent in the Light Industrial Industry

Finding and retaining the best talent in the light industrial industry is no small task. Manufacturing can come with its challenges and with competing employers, it’s important to have the right strategy in place. Source One can help you not only attract the best candidates but place employees who will be there for the long haul. Let’s look at three ways we can help you in your employee search.

access to our pipeline

Hiring the right person for your business’s needs is where it all begins. Rather than spending hours posting your openings, looking through applications, and interviewing potential hires, Source One can lead you straight to top-of-the-line employees. Our team has spent years cultivating a strong pipeline within the industry, helping you save money and cut down on the time to hire. Whether you are looking for someone part-time or need to fill a long-term role, we take the stress out of the search.

Onboarding well

With new employees, making the process to start as simple as possible helps ensure that your new hire will stay engaged. Onboarding is simple with Source One as we provide pre-employment training. We take the guesswork out of the process, so employees can hit the ground running and will know what it takes to be successful in each role. We also provide payroll services, making paying and tracking employee PTO, sick days, etc. easy and effective.

clarify the roadmap

In the light industrial space, skilled labor and management roles are the positions that employees who want to grow within the industry will usually aim for. New employees want to see that there is a path for growth. If you don’t have a plan in place, employees might look elsewhere for better opportunities. Source One can help you implement and execute a career advancement program, giving great employees the chance to rise to the occasion as senior-level positions open up. We offer HR consulting and coaching to bring you cutting-edge retention strategies, specific to the light industrial space.

Safety first

Safety is a key factor for all employees. Retaining workers means creating a safe working environment that meets OSHA and governmental standards. Source One offers several tools to keep your employees safe and minimize injury. From safety walkthroughs to compliance, harassment, and injury procedure training, we raise the standard of maximizing efficiency while mitigating risk.

ready to hire?

Now is the perfect time to evaluate your staffing needs. Our agency goes beyond recruiting and strengthens your HR process from hiring to retention. Let us help relieve the stress of finding your new hire. No matter where you are in the process, our skilled staff is available to answer questions, guide you, and ensure that your business is set up to bring in the best of the best. Today is the day to find the perfect fit for your team. Become one of the many satisfied employer working with Source One. Call or email our office today!