3 Ways to Incorporate Earth Day & Sustainability in Your Company

Preserving our beautiful planet is a team effort; that’s why this month we are providing 3 ways to incorporate Earth Day and sustainability in your company. Not only does Earth Day remind each of us to evaluate our environmental impact, but it can also be a unifying cause. Transparency surrounding the environment is already a rising conversation with companies like Amazon highlighting sellers that use recycled materials. But what can smaller groups do to make an impact? Let’s explore meaningful ways to contribute.

Host an expert

If you’re new to this topic, you might be unsure of where to start. You aren’t alone! Hosting an Earth Day educational event allows everyone to learn together. Call your local university or college and consider inviting a professor to do a lecture for your employees. Carve out time in the end for discussion. Invite employees to think of ways your company can cut back on waste. Allow the expert a 15-minute Q and A. Be sure to ask them to provide practical ideas that your company can implement together.

green day projects

Host a volunteer event for interested employees. Local beaches and trails often need to be cleaned up. Parks may need assistance planting trees or landscaping. Local shelters often need help organizing, cleaning, and stocking. Contact your local Parks and Rec department for ideas on where and what needs to be done in your city. Decide a time and let employees have an afternoon off to beautify, recycle, and clean. You can add a fun, creative spark by creating a contest where employees design a t-shirt for the event. Be sure to have employees sign a waiver beforehand if you decide to go off of company property.

Give back

Sustainability is about reducing waste. Encourage your employees to donate food to homeless shelters and clothing to thrift stores. Consider rewarding clients who participate in sustainable practices, like paperless billing. For long-term strategies, appoint a team within your company to implement initiatives throughout the year like annual events, fundraisers, or green discount programs. According to Maryville University, 87% of Americans will make a purchase because a company advocates for something they care about. These three ways to incorporate Earth Day and sustainability in your company are just the beginning! Collaborate and be creative! This a month to celebrate the planet and make an impact together!

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